Sphagnum moss offers excellent moisture retention, providing an optimal environment for plants that love moisture. It can be used to “pot” plants and provide them with the humidity they need to thrive and grow.
Sphagnum moss in your terrarium
In addition, Sphagnum can also be used in terrariums and paludariums, where it provides a natural and moist environment for amphibians and reptiles. It can serve as a perfect substrate for terrarium plants that have specific humidity needs. Peat moss holds moisture well, making it an ideal choice for such applications.
What really sets our peat moss apart is the fact that it is still alive at the time of import. This means that the peat moss is still active and can grow and thrive under the right conditions. This makes it a sustainable and ecologically sound material, as it can be reused and regrow instead of being harvested from natural peatlands. Right now we only have dried Spaghnum moss.
Goede kwaliteit sphagnum